Sunday, 13 September 2015

Final Submission

Pavilion (Terminal Line) file:

Pavilion (Emergene) file:

Pavilion (Mobility) file:

Pavilion (Mobility)

Pavilion (Mobility)
This design was inspired by watching the video by 'The Slow Mo Guys' of how liquid can be generated by sound giving a variety of transformation in the short period of time. I have then took this into a experiment by first creating randomly points to generate the mesh. Secondly by moving the points or number of planes, as a result of this actions, has been randomly generating forms of meshes and loops.

(Unfortunately I wasn't able to upload the geometry to the UE4 environment because it keeps crashing the computer)

Pavilion (Emergence)

Pavilion (Emergence)
The design was inspired by the theory of swarm behaviour, how it was able to generate forms through collective motion of a large number of self-propelled entities. The form was created through an open cone geometry, with the geometry populated on the surface, enables to adjust the height and size determine by the amount of UV's. With a slight changes of the slide numbers on both UV vector, this action replicate the theory of swarm behaviour transforming the form and shapes.

(Unfortunately I wasn't able to upload the geometry to the UE4 environment because it keeps crashing the computer)


Pavilion (Terminal Line)

Pavilion (Terminal Line)
This design replicates Preston Scott Cohens theory the Terminal Lines. I have selected the Voronoid pattern enables me to create this random patterns creating almost like a 'glass bubble' effect. As such, it creates a unique feature to the environment whilst providing an efficient roof structure with a series of anchor points to hold up the form, with this pattern, allowing shades and shadows  to the space through various of solids and voids. With this natural curve arc giving providing fluently to the space behind the notion of Terminal Line.